duminică, 16 ianuarie 2011

Reflections and virtual present

First of all I liked the idea of making a blog.In general subjects were mild and easily accomplished,but the worst seemed to me that the slides,where we had to talk about our story.
I liked that I could visit colleagues blogs and also other people can visit it and comment.
I learned that we can accomplish anything through hard work and I practiced English.

joi, 25 noiembrie 2010


Why Do YOU Want to Change?

To change is to risk something, making us feel insecure. Not to change is a bigger risk, though we seldom feel that way. There is no choice but to change. People, however, cannot be motivated to change from the outside. All of our motivation comes from within.

In the end, your motivation to change something about yourself may come from a variety of sources, perhaps a little because of pain, a little because you're inspired to be a better person, and a little because your spouse would like you to stop a habit that's driving both of you crazy. Becoming aware of your primary motivation to change is the best source for setting off on a new path, a new direction in life.

"I will stop smoking . . . because I am tired not having enough energy and breath to walk comfortably for a distance that my friends can do easily and I will be left out of the fun activities they plan if I can't keep up." sayd my friend.

My most valuable photo

I took this picture last year at Black Sea.is a unique picture I made, is a holiday that I will not forget.I remember I stayed all night to the sun, is an extraordinary picture and I think is the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen.Sunrise represents me and makes me feel good.
in the second pic i'm with my boyfriend, is a romantic picture of sunrise and otherwise express our love and the love.